Market informations

  • Regulations in each country
  • Market access requirements
  • The economic, legal and competitive environment
  • The various kinds of aids you can benefit from
  • The local network

Market research

  • Analysis of the economic and financial situation of the market in question
  • Analysis of the target market access conditions
  • Analysis of the competition
  • Analysis of the participants
  • Regulations

Research and selection of partners

  • Identification of local investors
  • Identification of local suppliers

Coaching businesses

  • Construction of your international project
  • Drawing up contracts and other commercial documents
  • Market approach
  • Research of commercial or industrial partners
  • Recruitement of qualified staff for your international service

Human ressources

  • Disposition of human ressources
  • A linguistically and culturally competent team
  • Over 15 years of international experience

Commercial agents

  • Coverage of the target market
  • An easy and fast acces of access of information
  • Easy business trip
  • Monitoring business actions follow up

Contact list

  • Privileged contacts and relations in the covered areas from distributors, industrialists of public or private sector to contacts in government decision-making bodies.

Contribution to investments

  • Opportunity of contribution to your future investments in certain regions and for specific projects
  • Financial support


Management audit

  • Operating control
  • Contribution to the development of the management methods
  • An application of the management methods

Accounting organisation

  • Determination of the organizational accounting mode
  • Contribution to its implementation
  • Insurance of its proper functioning


  • Determine the business strategy
  • Contribution to is implementation
  • Ensure its proper functioning

Human ressources management

  • Hiring and termination of contracts.


  • International freight transport consulting
  • Organizer of your transport as well import or export since and from any country in the world
  • Import and export customs formalities
  • Transport express
  • Transport en bagage accompagné
  • Transport de matières dangereuses